
Friday, 20 September 2019

Riding Waves

Riding Waves
Hey guys today I'm going to tell you about a book I have read. I bet you can already tell what story I read because of the title so yeah I'm going to tell you all about Riding The Waves which is basically surfing.

So firstly since the story kicks off with some basics I'm going to talk about some basic surfing things your told in the story. For a lot of people surfing is just a hobby while other people can take up to the next level and I think you might know where I'm going with this. Some people love to surf so much that they will compete in international competitions or national competitions depends on if a surfing contest is held in their country. Anyways your probably thinking about how these surfing competitions work well judges judge surfers for their speed, control , stunts or moves they perform while surfing . Stunts or moves are judged by how dangerous or how good the stunts were performed. A surfer with the highest score wins the competition. There are lots of places where people surf at that have very dangerous waves and sometimes some places are very dangerous to surf at and are so far away from the beach that surfers wishing to surf at those dangerous places are towed to jet skis. Now that I told you some basic facts about the story lets move on.

Secondly I'm going to tell you dear reader how to start surfing and remember these are facts provided to you because of the book called riding waves so maybe after this recount you can go get this book and read it for yourself and by the way this is not sponsored even though it sounds like it. Alright enough of my off topic talking so the first thing to start surfing is be a good swimmer. "Why" you ask well that'd because if you mess up when your riding a big wave you have to be a good swimmer in order to save your life. Also body boarding is something you should practice too since it'll help your confidence when your surfing.

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